Chiropractic: Not Just for Back Pain

So many people turn to chiropractic care for lasting relief from back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and even chronic headaches. What many don’t know is that people in our Lewisville office experience improvements with many more things than that!


It’s a joy to see folks who begin care with us at Compassion Family Chiropractic start to understand the bigger picture. They glance up at our testimonial wall in the lobby and see story after story from long-term practice members who no longer suffer from issues they never associated with chiropractic care. It becomes clear to them from that moment forward that chiropractors are more than just “back crackers.”


Simply put, chiropractors improve how your entire body functions!


And the result can be relief from many health challenges that you or a loved one may be suffering from right now. This includes:


•  Bedwetting

•  Digestive issues

•  Asthma

•  Elevated blood pressure

•  Anxiety and depression

•  Seizures

•  Vertigo

•  Allergies


How does chiropractic have something to do with allergies or any of these other things? I’m glad that you asked.


It All Has to Do With the Nervous System


As chiropractors, our goal is to improve how your body functions by zeroing in on how your nervous system is functioning. You see, your nervous system is your body’s command center. It controls and coordinates your movements, thoughts, and automatic responses to the world around you — things you don’t even think about, like breathing, blinking, coordination, sleep, your heartbeat, etc. This complex system tells every other system in your body what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.


Basically, it dictates everything we rely on for life!


But your nervous system isn’t immune to issues of its own. So many things can damage our nervous system, including diseases, accidents, toxins, aging, and, believe it or not, misalignments in the spine. So with that in mind, let’s refer back to our friend Ross.


Good Ol’ Ross and His Acid Reflux


Many of you read our previous blog post about Ross. He’s a great guy, but in our pretend world, he’s also dealing with many painful conditions. And one of those painful conditions is acid reflux. A common problem with acid reflux is dysfunction of the muscle at the top of the stomach called the cardiac sphincter. Its job is to open when food goes into the stomach and close immediately after. When his cardiac sphincter is working properly, Ross feels great. But if it’s not, stomach acid quickly bubbles up into his esophagus and causes him to feel all sorts of discomfort.


That cardiac sphincter is controlled by the vagus nerve, which travels up to the very top of the spine, right past the top bone in the neck (known as the atlas bone). If Ross’ atlas is twisted or tilted, it can negatively affect the vagus nerve, creating a painful domino effect.


The atlas misalignment impedes vagus nerve function, which impacts the cardiac sphincter, and can result in stomach acid sneaking up where it’s not supposed to be.


With a few quick X-rays, I can tell if Ross’ atlas is twisted or tilted in such a way that it might be negatively affecting the function of his vagus nerve. By making specific and gentle adjustments to his spine, proper alignment can be restored, vagal nerve function can be improved, and Ross’ acid reflux symptoms can diminish. This is just one example of how chiropractic care can go beyond treating back and neck pain to improving whole body function, impacting issues that many people think can only be treated with medication or surgery.


We have had the blessing of seeing so many health transformations in our office, and we hope you will be the next success story!


Call Compassion Family Chiropractic Today!!


At Compassion Family Chiropractic in Lewisville, TX, our goal is for you and your family to feel like a part of ours. On your first visit, you will be greeted by warm smiles and a whole team happy and willing to serve you. We aim to provide you with the most thorough and effective chiropractic care available while treating you with unparalleled service all along the way. We look forward to the opportunity to become your family’s home for chiropractic care in Lewisville!


Give us a call today at (469) 240-2322. To learn more about Dr. David Ravdin, click here.


What Can Happen When Your Atlas Bone Is Misaligned


A Day in the Life of Ross. A Chiropractic Story.